Saturday, December 23, 2006

Are you cold?

I just finished reading an article on global warming that bring forth a different theory then what i heard so far... according to this, we do affect our environement with our polution but we would be giving ourself far too much credit for how much of it we do influence.

look like they found out that there are warmings every 1500 years. enough that they were able to grow crops in greenland at one point so we're not even that warm yet. apparently the most of this recent warming occured durring the 1940's. and here i thought that it get so cold even in the past 15 years. make me wonder how cold and depressing it must have been before the 40's? brrrrrrr.

i wonder how long those warming cycles usualy last, because i could get used to this warmer milder winter time

Chantal, frozen feet and blue nose

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