Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Owen VS Optometrist

it's been a struggle for over a year now. it's to make us wonder how we got him to look in the machine the first time.

this time around they got a new machine, with a more interresting picture then a plain boring white star

he got interrested in seeing the image of the farm, but when he got to the machine, again he froze. didn't want to get near it. so i thought, if he sees his little sister look into it, he'll get more curious about it and what to know what he's missing out on.

just as i thought, it worked, even though he wouldn't trust the machine completely and wouldn't get his chin on the chin rest. it's progress and we're working on it.

that was actualy last week, we went again this morning, before his speech therapist's apointment and he did put his chin down, but not very long at a time. the technician felt she could have oportunities to take the mesurements, but each time she adjust the machine to do so, the moving parts and little noise make him suspect something and he moves away. so we plan on going again once more before his actual apointment. hope it works well. or i might have to resort to gravols.

Chantal, eye eye

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